Scientific Source Finding Activities

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2.Scientific Source Finding Activities

The Hydrogeology wing of TWAD Board over the years have gained great exposure/experience in scientific source identification works which include the exploration and exploitation of the water resources for the providing protected, potable and perennial water supply schemes executed by TWAD Board under the various programmes implemented with Central and State Government financial assistances.

TWAD Board adopts Scientific Source Finding in locating favourable sources. By adopting sophisticated methods such as Remote Sensing and GIS, geophysical investigations are carried out in the field to locate potential zones by the Hydro geologist of TWAD Board.

Aerial Photographs
Satellite Imagery
Interpretation of Data
Hydrogeomorphology Maps

TWAD Board also undertakes site selection works for all the local bodies and private institutions wherever requests are made. Source finding activities are carried out for the schemes that are executed by TWAD Board every year.

Location of Head works for the CWSS schemes – Infiltration wells, Collector wells , infiltration galleries.

Schemes with river sources and those with drawal of more than 1 MGD of sub surface water require necessary clearance of the Water Utilisation Committee.

Electrical Resistivity method is widely used for groundwater investigation works.

Resistivity Survey are Carried out Using
  • Wenner Configuration.
  • Schlumberger Configuration using Resistivity meters.
Resistivity Survey Interpretations are Carried out
  • Electrical Resistivity method is widely used for groundwater investigation works
  • Method for subsurface exploitations by means of electrical measurements taken at the surface of the earth
  • Resistivity Survey are carried out using Wenner Configuration Schlumberger Configuration using Resistivity meters
  • Curve matching techniques.
  • Customized software. Bore Well Electrical logging is conducted in sedimentary areas to delineate the aquifer zones.Hydro fracturing an innovative technology is adopted to revitalize the poor/unyielding wells in hard rock areas. Pumping tests are conducted to determine the safe drawal of water from the well. Hydro fracturing and pumping tests are conducted to local bodies and private institutions wherever requests are made on charge basis.